CRLMC on Sanctuary
The Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago is proud to partner with Greater Chicago Broadcast Ministries to produce each year four episodes of Sanctuary, a 30-minute public interest program broadcast on Sunday mornings. The Council selects topics and invites guests to discuss issues related to faith communities in Chicago for February, May, August, and November.
August 2024 | Faith-based Service Programs for Young Adults
Many faith communities sponsor programs where people realize their faith commitments through community service. This episode focuses on Amate House where fellows live out the tenets of Service, Community, Faith, Social Justice, and Stewardship by serving a year alongside and learning from community leaders who are solving social justice issues in under-resourced communities of Chicago.
May 2024 | American Islamic College
The American Islamic College is an inclusive, non-denominational liberal arts college located in Chicago that is one of just two independent Muslim colleges in America accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. This episode highlights what this pioneering institution offers the Muslim community and the entire region.
February 2024 | The Black Church
The Black Church has been a foundation for generations of African Americans. This episode of Sanctuary focuses on the nature, history, achievements, and future of this remarkable institution.
November 2023 | Protecting Faith Communities
Faith communities have reasonable concerns that they might be targeted because of what they believe, where they and their community live, or simply because of who they are. This episode of Sanctuary focuses on some of these challenges and discusses different resources available to faith communities to help them protect their places of worship, schools, and members.
August 2023 | Parliament of the World's Religions
The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago featured the Parliament of the World's Religions, an historic meeting of religious representatives from across the globe that marked the beginning of the modern interfaith movement. This episode of Sanctuary focuses on that historic meeting and the 2023 Convening of the Parliament in Chicago.
May 2023 | Stewards of Physical Space
Faith communities are stewards of the physical world: custodians of historic and beautiful landmark buildings, and improvers of the environment both locally and around the world. This episode of Sanctuary features representatives from two wonderful organizations that strengthen congregations in their roles as stewards of our natural and built environment.
February 2023 | Chaplains
Chaplains serve private and public institutions across our nation.
These spiritual leaders can be found at colleges and universities and with police departments, hospitals, and prisons. Who are chaplains? What do they do and whom do they serve? This episode of Sanctuary focuses on these questions with two national leaders in chaplaincy.
November 2022| Old Friends and New
Metropolitan Chicago is home to many different faith communities. Some have their origins on this continent, and some were brought here by immigrants. Each has its own history and traditions, and many have venerable hierarchies of leadership. This episode of Sanctuary introduces a new faith leader in Chicago and pays tribute to a great champion of interfaith dialogue who died earlier this year.
August 2022| The Future of Seminaries
Metropolitan Chicago is a great center of seminaries and theological schools in the United States. Like so many institutions, seminaries are reexamining what they do today and how they do it to fulfill their mission in the future. This episode of Sanctuary looks at the future of seminaries and the role these remarkable institutions play in their own faith traditions and in our larger community.
May 2022| May Celebrations
Every month, our neighbors and friends in different faith communities celebrate observances that are central to our religious experience. This episode of Sanctuary highlights the important observances for two faith communities here in Chicago and around the world that occur this year in May: Eid-al-Fitr in the Muslim community, and Maidyozarem Gahambar in the Zoroastrian community.
February 2022| Faith Communities and COVID-19 Vaccinations
In Fall 2021, CRLMC launched an interdenominational effort with congregations across Chicago to deliver vaccinations to 1,000 people. Prism Health Lab administers vaccinations at each congregation, and the effort is part of the Chicagoland Vaccine Partnership which is mobilizing community members to ensure equitable vaccine access.
This episode of Sanctuary focuses on why, as a matter of faith, congregations have committed to vaccinating their members and the communities they serve.
November 2021 | Faith Communities and Policing
"The Chicago Police Department, as part of, and empowered by, the community, is committed to protect the lives, property, and rights of all people, to maintain order, and to enforce the law impartially." This is the first sentence of the CPD mission statement. Policing fairly and respectfully in such a diverse setting can be challenging, particularly in matters of religious belief, dress, and practice.
This episode of Sanctuary explores new and exciting CPD initiatives to strengthen communication and interactions with Chicago's many faith communities.
August 2021 | Mental Health and Communities of Faith
Events and disruptions of the past year have left our nation in a sustained state of anxiety and have taken a toll on the mental wellbeing of all of us, affecting our day-to-day living and our ability to relate to other people.
This episode of Sanctuary explores how different faith communities support the mental health of their members and their leaders in the face of everyday and extraordinary events.
May 2021 | Coping with Grief
This spring, our nation passed the one-year anniversaries of the pandemic and of the death of George Floyd. Here in Chicago and across the country, our time has been marked by profound grief.
This episode of Sanctuary focuses on how faith traditions respond to grief: what faith traditions teach, how faith can help us cope personally and provide us guidance in supporting our neighbors, families, friends, and community.
February 2021 | Pastors4PCOR
This episode of Sanctuary focuses on Pastors4PCOR, a unique training program for faith-based community facilitators that partner with the academic and medical communities to identify needs and assets in their communities and to promote participation in health research in underserved communities of color in Chicago and elsewhere.
November 2020 | Marking Time
For more than two decades, the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago has published an annual InterFaith Calendar that lists and explains religious observances for 17 different faith communities. This episode of Sanctuary explores how faith communities mark time, and what celebrations and observances can teach us about our friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
August 2020 | Reopening Illinois Houses of Worship
In May 2020, Governor JB Pritzker introduced Restore Illinois, a plan to protect public health and safely reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic. This episode of Sanctuary features a discussion of the choices, adjustments, and experiences of different faith communities as they start to resume in-person worship.
May 2020 | Faith Communities and COVID-19
Like the rest of the world, Chicago is now confronting the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the religious communities of Metropolitan Chicago have made dramatic changes. This episode of Sanctuary focuses on what steps faith communities have made to slow the spread of the disease, how these changes have affected faith institutions and the people they serve, and what can people of faith do to help their neighbors during this crisis.
February 2020 | Faith on Campus
Chicago is home to outstanding universities. The thousands of students who study here come from around the world and reflect the religious diversity of our country. This episode of Sanctuary features three adults who are working hard to meet the spiritual needs of students on Chicago campuses.
November 2019 | Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is one of the most popular American holidays, marked by families and friends getting together for a festive meal and fellowship. This episode focuses on what it means to be thankful and how that belief finds expression in some of the religious communities of greater Chicago.
August 2019 | Homelessness in Metropolitan Chicago
Homelessness is both a personal and a social calamity. It affects tens of thousands of people right here in Chicago and thousands more across Illinois. And there are misperceptions about the homeless population. For example, many people who are homeless have jobs. Many have a college education. And far too many of them are children. This episode focuses on the people who experience homelessness and to help.
May 2019 | Reducing Gun Violence
The Rev. Jackie Marquez, Chaplain at Northwestern University, leads a discussion about efforts by the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago to reduce gun violence.
February 2019 | Hope in Troubled Times
The Rev. Jackie Marquez, Chaplain at Northwestern University, talks with Chicago area religious leaders about how various faith communities bring us hope for the future in our troubled times.